Kentucky Campus

Set in the heart of the breathtaking Bluegrass region, 蹤獲腦瞳弝けSeminary’s Kentucky campus is a peaceful place of redbrick buildings and stately chapel spires. And within this serene setting beats a vibrant heart for Christ.

Central to the “蹤獲腦瞳弝けSeminary Experience” is its lively chapel services. During these times, the community unites to worship through song, prayer and the dynamic preaching for God’s word. While corporate worship unites the campus, individual spiritual formation is encouraged through small-group interaction and community events.

蹤獲腦瞳弝けSeminary’s academic credentials are second to none with courses in the classical and practical disciplines that set the stage for lifelong learning. Faculty members train students to evaluate the complexities of life from a biblically grounded and theologically informed perspective. As a result, 蹤獲腦瞳弝けSeminary graduates are equipped to serve in a variety of ministry opportunities throughout the world.